Experience the Courtyard, from just inside the tasting room door you get a quick look at who we are! Two tasting areas, one for sweet wines and one for dry wines. On the right is our sweet wine tasting bar, fun and friendly, complete with a glass block bar that changes moods, well colors at least. Our sweet wine labels are dazzling, just like the wine inside! Don’t miss our bold fruit forward Twisted Red! You just might start singing when you try our Mamma Mia Sangria! Look past the sweet wines and bright lights and on to our dry wine area, two big windows behind the bar give you a glimpse of the barrel room and the tank room where the magic begins, the levitation that transforms the areas best grapes into our award winning dry wines. This area is our more traditional approach that skips the bright lights in favor of natural wood and softer colors, a great setting for a dry wine tasting you won’t want to miss, you’ll find some familiar names, Chardonnay, Cabernet Franc, Riesling and Merlot along with some European varietals you might have heard about like Teroldego and Zweigelt. All grown within 5 miles of our winery.